2024-2025 School Budget and Board of Education Seat Results

Budget Vote: Passed 

  • Yes: 103 
  • No: 19
  • Spoiled: 0

Board of Education Election: Sarah Brown-Pratt elected 

  • Sarah Brown-Pratt - elected to 5 year term

School Budget and Voting Information


Each year in mid-May, residents vote on a proposed school budget as well as for election of candidates to the Board of Education.   Information about the budget as well as voter registration, voting and Absentee Ballots can be found here. 




Third Tuesday of May •  School Cafeteria • 2:00 pm - 8:00 pm 




Register to Vote / Update Voter Information

In order to vote you must be a US citizen, at least 18-years-old on the date of the vote, and a resident within the district for a period of 30 days preceding the budget vote.  "Residence" means what one considers their permanent place of residency.  For example, if a person resides in Albany and is registered there to vote in the general and local elections, then she/he is not a resident of Long Lake, even if she/he may own property and pay taxes here.

How to Obtain an Absentee Ballot

If you are unable to come to the polls on the date of the vote, you can apply for and use an Absentee Ballot.  This is a 2-step process:

  1. Fill out a submit an Application for Absentee Ballot. 
    • You can download an Application (at right) or you can obtain the Application from Mrs. Victoria Snide, the District Clerk, during regular school hours.
    • Fill out the form and return it to the District Clerk.  Applications that are mailed to the District Clerk must be received 7 days before the vote date.  Applications that are delivered to the District Clerk by the voter or a designee must be delivered by the day before the vote.
  2. Once an Application for Absentee Ballot is reviewed and accepted, an Absentee Ballot will be issued.  Completed and signed Absentee Ballots can be mailed or hand delivered by the voter or his/her designee.  In order for an absentee Ballot to be counted, it must be received by the District Clerk no later than 5:00 pm on the day of the vote,